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6 Hour Precipitation
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90-Day Percent
of Normal Precip
30-Day Departure
From Normal Temps
90-Day Departure
From Normal Temps
S. American
Freese-Notis Weather Daily Weather Summary for Brazil and Argentina


Freese-Notis Weather --- Dec 2, 2021
Brazil/Argentina Weather Statistics
Daily Weather Summary

Precipitation in inches and temperatures in degrees F.
                         avg  most  pct   avg    avg  hst    lst   avg 
location                pcpn  pcpn  cvg   high   low  high   low   tmp 

Mato Grosso              0.15  0.75   43   91.9  73.1  95.0  69.0  82.5 
Goias                    0.14  0.94   50   88.9  69.1  96.0  65.0  79.0 
Minas Gerais             0.24  1.14   40   85.2  67.4  87.0  65.0  76.3 
Mato Grosso do Sul          0     0    0   85.2  72.0  89.0  71.0  78.6 
Sao Paulo                   0     0    0   80.6  66.8  84.0  65.0  73.7 
Parana                      0     0    0   91.5  66.8  93.0  65.0  79.1 
Santa Catarina              0     0    0   79.5  57.5  82.0  56.0  68.5 
Rio Grande do Sul           0     0    0   83.4  59.8  88.0  58.0  71.6 

Chaco                       0     0    0   86.0  62.0  86.0  59.0  74.0 
Santa Fe                    0     0    0   83.7  61.0  85.0  60.0  72.3 
Cordoba                     0     0    0   83.8  60.0  86.0  57.0  71.9 
Entre Rios                  0     0    0   80.0  59.5  82.0  59.0  69.8 
La Pampa                    0     0    0   85.5  61.5  86.0  60.0  73.5 
N Buenos Aires              0     0    0   77.4  54.4  84.0  48.0  65.9 
S Buenos Aires              0     0    0   77.0  51.8  88.0  43.0  64.4 

Freese-Notis Weather Brazil/Argentina Weather Statistics  Dec 2, 2021

Precipitation in inches and temperatures in degrees F.

                                                Max.  Min.  Avg
location                 Precip                 Temp  Temp  Temp


83228                      0                    90.0  70.0  80.0  
83332                      0                    87.0  70.0  78.5  
83368                   0.02                    96.0  65.0  80.5  
83374                   0.94                    89.0  70.0  79.5  
83378                   0.08                    83.0  67.0  75.0  
83423                   0.04                    89.0  69.0  79.0  
83470                      0                    88.0  71.0  79.5  
83526                      0                    89.0  71.0  80.0  

Minas Gerais
83384                      0                    86.0  71.0  78.5  
83479                      0                    89.0  71.0  80.0  
83483                      0                    90.0  70.0  80.0  
83531                   1.14                    86.0  69.0  77.5  
83566                   0.08                    82.0  66.0  74.0  
83574                      0                    84.0  68.0  76.0  
83579                      0                    84.0  68.0  76.0  
83582                   0.08                    85.0  67.0  76.0  
83687                      0                    87.0  65.0  76.0  
83738                   0.39                    75.0  68.0  71.5  

Mato Grosso
83208                   1.22                    87.0  70.0  78.5  
83214                   0.02                    91.0  71.0  81.0  
83264                   0.28                    90.0  70.0  80.0  
83270                      0                    89.0  69.0  79.0  
83309                      0                    95.0  75.0  85.0  
83319                   0.75                    94.0  75.0  84.5  
83358                      0                    92.0  75.0  83.5  
83362                      0                    92.0  77.0  84.5  
83405                      0                    93.0  76.0  84.5  

Mato Grosso do Sul
83565                      0                    81.0  71.0  76.0  
83612                      0                    87.0  74.0  80.5  
83618                      0                    81.0  71.0  76.0  
83702                      0                    88.0  72.0  80.0  
83704                      0                    89.0  72.0  80.5  

Sao Paulo
83623                      0                    82.0  70.0  76.0  
83630                      0                    84.0  67.0  75.5  
83676                      0                    80.0  66.0  73.0  
83716                      0                    80.0  66.0  73.0  
83726                      0                    77.0  65.0  71.0  

83766                      0                    93.0  68.0  80.5  
83783                      0                    92.0  67.0  79.5  
83811                      0                    91.0  67.0  79.0  
83827                      0                    90.0  65.0  77.5  
83840                      0                    81.0  61.0  71.0  

Santa Catarina
83881                      0                    82.0  59.0  70.5  
83887                      0                    77.0  56.0  66.5  

Rio Grande do Sul
83907                      0                    88.0  62.0  75.0  
83912                      0                    83.0  60.0  71.5  
83914                      0                    81.0  58.0  69.5  
83936                      0                    83.0  60.0  71.5  


87148                      0                    86.0  59.0  72.5  
87155                      0                    86.0  65.0  75.5  

87328                      0                    88.0  63.0  75.5  
87344                      0                    82.0  57.0  69.5  
87349                      0                    84.0  62.0  73.0  
87448                   0.08                    85.0  62.0  73.5  
87453                      0                    82.0  62.0  72.0  
87467                      0                    86.0  59.0  72.5  
87534                      0                    85.0  60.0  72.5  

Santa Fe
87270                      0                    87.0  61.0  74.0  
87371                      0                    85.0  62.0  73.5  
87374                      0                    85.0  61.0  73.0  
87480                      0                    81.0  60.0  70.5  

Entre Rios
87395                      0                    82.0  59.0  70.5  
87497                      0                    78.0  60.0  69.0  

La Pampa
83532                      0                    85.0  60.0  72.5  
87623                      0                    86.0  63.0  74.5  

Buenos Aires
87548                      0                    84.0  61.0  72.5  
87563                      0                    77.0  53.0  65.0  
87576                      0                    74.0  55.0  64.5  
87648                      0                    72.0  48.0  60.0  
87641                      0                    76.0  51.0  63.5  
87645                      0                    73.0  45.0  59.0  
87688                      0                    81.0  57.0  69.0  
87692                      0                    67.0  43.0  55.0  
87750                      0                    88.0  63.0  75.5